My Daughter “The Enlightened Warrior”
My daughter who studied classical ballet for (13) years, always went by the rule, that running is the worse exercise a ballet dancer could do. So she has never liked running. I don’t fault her, after hearing that for all those years especially coming from the strictest Ballet Instructor.
When I graduated in June of 2007, after completing my Masters Degree in Healthcare Administration, a dear friend of mine gave a book entitled: Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T.Harv Eker. Since I had just graduated I thought “I already have the mind of a millionaire”, I don’t need this book. So I just put the book on a shelf. It remained on the shelf for about (2) months.
Then I got a call from my daughter who had moved to San Francisco in March 2007, to make it on her own. With her belief that money was not important, and the cost of living in San Francisco, most people who knew her gave her until May 2007 maybe, before she would move back to Los Angeles. By the sound of the drama on the other end, all I could think about was that little book I had put away. I sent her “that baby” via Express Mail, with the note, “Most Urgent Must Read It Immediately”. I sent it to her in August of 2007.
She told me she was reading the book and was very fascinated by what she discovered about herself, her family, her past and where she was headed unless she’d take heed.
Every time she’d called I’d noticed that her beliefs about money and life were changing in a positive way.
In February of 2008, the same dear friend that gave me the book gave me a Tuition Voucher which he instructed me to give to my daughter. He had heard her express interest in attending the Millionaire Mind Intensive Seminar, so he thought of her when he obtained the tickets. Since it was taking place in San Francisco, and it was very easy for her to attend, she would have no excuse not to go. She went to the seminar and was so impressed, that now she is a Peak Potentials Quantum Leap Member and an Ambassador as well. Despite all the positive things that she was making happen in her life, she still had a lot of baggage and drama which would surface every now and then.
In June of 2007, she announced that she was going to attend Peak Potentials Enlightened Warrior Training Camp for 4 ½ Days. I’m thinking “Camp” wilderness. She’s afraid of a fly. But, I supported her decision. She went, and I did not hear from her for 4 ½ Days.
After the training she called me very excited and said, “Mom, you have to go next year.” My reply was, “I’m already a warrior, and I run Marathons”. But she kept insisting, so I challenged her. I thought she’ll never agree to this challenge and so I said, “I’ll go if you run the LA Marathon with me”. I’d figured that the Marathon would be held first, and if she did not run, I would not have to go.
To my surprise, she said yes. I was beginning to see the change or the "Enlightened Warrior" in her. I’m also, starting to think that the "Enlightened Warrior" has the Universe on her side. The date for the Los Angeles Marathon which is normally held in March, has changed twice this year. It is now scheduled for May, 25, 2009. This is good for her. Training for a Marathon takes time to work on conditioning and endurance. She will need the extra time the Universe has managed to give her.
In the few weeks that followed, I noticed that her conversations had less stress and less drama. This was an amazing transformation, coming from someone who her brother once called, “A Drama Seeking Missile”.
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