It finally happened on July 26, 2009, San Francisco Marathon event. The journey took almost one entire year of training and endurance, but my daughter finished her first event. She even has the medal to prove it although she (almost forget to get it) after crossing the finish line.
Her Pre-Race preparation was as organized as her training. First she was not able to pick up her packet and goodie bag, due to a few unexpected auditions which came up. No matter, I figured out of way to pick it up for her, she was not dodging this one.
In checking her athletic attire, and equipment, I noticed many things missing. Her answer to all the questions about where they were was “I’m going to use yours”. It’s a good thing I brought an extra water bottle. Imagine that!
Despite all the dodging training and previous events, she did well. She only missed her target finish time by 2 minutes. But, you have to see her face in the picture of her crossing the finish line! Something is missing a “smile” maybe. After all, it was the finish the line.
I’m very proud of you “Enlightened Warrior”! You ran the San Francisco Marathon’s First Half-Marathon, the tougher of the two. And you can now say that you ran the Golden Gate Bridge. An additional token to compliment a very memorable event.
Lol, I kne there would be something about a "next" on here. Did you sign up for Warrior yet?! When is the next half again? Long Beach right?