Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Runner’s Circle Run Club (ARC)

Shortly after my disappointment in my finish time in the San Diego Rock-N-Roll Marathon, I decided to change my surroundings. So I joined the ARC Run Club.

Although they call it a "Fun Run", it's hard not to compete. But I’m happy to say that my pace has improved. There is no doubt that surrounding yourself with the best brings out the best in us.

Everyday I find a little more strength and motivation within in me to push a little harder. Every day, my pace improves and I feel great, and every improvement no matter how small contributes to a happier me.

Thank you ARC Family for always being there for me!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Celebrate Each Second

I sometimes get discouraged when I have a bad day do not meet my target. This only last for a minute though, because I remind myself to look back and compare. As long as I’ve improved my pace by even (.0001) seconds, I should drop the “self pity” act immediately.

To finish a Marathon and even a Half takes a great amount of training, patience and endurance. Every (.0001) second makes a difference and brings you closer to the finish line. So celebrate each second of improvement.